I HoPe ThAt WhAteVeR YoUr WaLk oF LiFe, U LeAvE HeRe WiTh a LiTtLe MoRe WaRmTh iN YoUr HeArT & A LiTtLe MoRe CoURaGe To TaKe AnOtHeR DaY.
NeXt TiMe WhEn U SeE YoUr LoVe, TelL ThEm HoW SpEciAL ThEy aRe.
NeXt TiMe WhEn U MeEt a FriEnD, ThAnK ThEm FoR aLWaYs BeiNg tHeRe FoR U.
LiFe iS WHaT U CaN MaKe oF iT. tReASuRe it......
NeXt TiMe WhEn U SeE YoUr LoVe, TelL ThEm HoW SpEciAL ThEy aRe.
NeXt TiMe WhEn U MeEt a FriEnD, ThAnK ThEm FoR aLWaYs BeiNg tHeRe FoR U.
LiFe iS WHaT U CaN MaKe oF iT. tReASuRe it......
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